Water treatment

Glensol services and products for the internal treatment of boiler water, steam/condensate lines and cooling systems
• Comprehensive treatment for boiler water and cooling systems.
• GLENVASOL fuel additives.
• Antifreeze agents.
• Oxygen scavengers.
• Softeners.
• Scale inhibitors, dispersants, and chelating agents.
• pH modifiers.
• Corrosion inhibitors for steam/condensate lines.
• Corrosion inhibitors for open and closed cooling systems.
• Biocides (bactericides, fungicides, algicides).
• Reverse osmosis antiscalants and membrane cleaning products
• Flocculants and coagulants for industrial effluent and wastewater clarification.

Chemical Specialties

Glensol chemical specialties for different industrial applications
• Defoamers, biocides, flocculants, retention agents, scale inhibitors, dispersants and anti-pitch agents for the cellulose, pulp, and paper industry.
• Biocides, flocculants, surfactants, anti-viscosity agents, defoamers, dispersants, scale inhibitors and removers, and hydrochloric acid inhibitors (CORROSOL) for distilleries and for the sugar industry.
• Fluidifying agents, deflocculants, and dispersants for ceramic clays; plasticizer for cement-based mixtures to be used in the masonry industry; air entraining additives and plasticizers to prepare precast concrete; and release agents and specialties for the clay, cement, and concrete industries
• Corrosion inhibitors (CORROSOL), scale inhibitors, oxygen sequestrants, biocides and flocculants for oil production; and drilling mud specialties for the oil industry.
• Dispersants, corrosion inhibitors (CORROSOL), biocides, defoamers, flocculants, surfactants and speciality chemicals for the cosmetic, mining, steel, chemical, and textile industries, among others.
Effluent treatment

• Studies, projects, and turnkey solutions for effluent treatment plants
• DYNATEC 2 industrial effluent treatment plants
• Flocculants and coagulants for industrial effluent and wastewater clarification
• Bacterial enzyme complexes to improve the efficiency of biological treatment plants for industrial and sewage effluents
Ion exchange resins for different industries and applications

Glensol is the exclusive distributor of ion exchange resins manufactured by Jiangsu Suqing Water Treatment Engineering Group Co., Ltd.
• Industrial water and waste water treatment
• Industries served: wine-making, fruit, sugar, pharmaceuticals, and metal
• Amino acid extraction
• Catalysts
•Nitrate radical removal
• Adsorbent resins

Industrial cleaning and disinfection products

Food, meat packing, dairy, bottling, and winemaking industries
• All-purpose cleaners for floors, walls, tanks, equipment, and tools
• Acidic, alkaline, neutral, chlorinated cleaners, sanitising and multi-purpose agents
Industrial cleaning and maintenance products

Distilleries, paper, metal, chemical, and petrochemical industries, repair shops, etc.
• Degreasers and descaling agents for equipment, floors, machinery, and tools
• Fast evaporating solvents
• Mild alkaline detergents to remove carbon deposits
• Heavy duty alkaline detergents to remove grease and oxide
• Multipurpose eco-friendly detergent
• Acidic detergents to remove calcareous deposits