Treatment equipment
and disinfection of water
Water treatment equipment

Engineering, services, equipment, and products for industrial and domestic wastewater treatment.
• Reverse osmosis desalination/demineralization equipment.
• Ion exchangers and ion exchange softeners and dealkalinizers..
• Anthracite, activated carbon, and pressure sand filters..
• Cartridge filters and filter housing..

Water Disinfection

Chlorinating agents, gas dosing dispensers, water disinfection equipment, and water quality control instruments from De Nora (formerly Severn Trent) 1
• Manual and automatic gas dosing systems for chloride, sulphur dioxide, ammonia, and carbon dioxide, ADVANCE and CHLORTROL (formerly FISHER & PORTER) 1.
• Sulphur dioxide, ammonia, and chlorine evaporators.
• EST™ scrubbers.
• Ultraviolet (UV) disinfection systems.
• Chlorine dioxide generators.
• Gas leak detectors for chlorine, sulphur dioxide, and bromine chloride.
• Analysers: chlorine dioxide, bromine, iodine, potassium permanganate, and free and total chlorine residual concentration.
• Temperature, pH/ORP, dissolved oxygen and conductivity monitoring.
• CHLOR-A-VAC® gas or fluid dosing dispensers/mixers.
• CLOR-TEC® on-site hypochlorite generation systems.
• SEACLOR® and SANILEC® seawater electrochlorination systems
• TETRA® LP BLOCK™ rapid gravity filter underdrain
• Hydraulic scales and weighing systems for gas pipes 2.
• HALOGEN electronically actuated emergency valve shutoff systems 2

• Emergency A, B, and C kits for chlorine cylinders and containers 3.
• Automatic and manual valves for liquid and gaseous chlorine 4.
• 1000 kg chlorine gas cylinders 5.
• De Nora ozone destruction units, ozonizers, and dissolved ozone monitors 1.
1) We are the exclusive distributors of DE NORA, U.S.A. 2) We are the exclusive distributors of FORCE FLOW EQUIPMENT, U.S.A. 3) We are the exclusive distributors of INDIAN SPRINGS Inc., U.S.A.
4) We are the exclusive distributors of KF INDUSTRIES, U.S.A. 5) We are the exclusive distributors of THE COLUMBIANA BOILER Co., U.S.A.


• Dosing pumps and dosing dispersers for chemical products.
• Reverse osmosis membranes, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration, and membrane-cleaning products.
• Ion exchange resins and resin cleaning products.
• Activated carbon, anthracite, classified sands and gravel.
• Cartridge microfiltration for water treatment.
Industrial parts cleaning equipment

EPROCECO industrial parts washers based on aqueous cleaning systems.
• Rotary table spray washers.
• Continuous spray washing tunnel.
• Rotary drum washer to clean small bulk parts.
• Spray-immersion cleaning system.
• Vacuum dryers to be used after cleaning electric motors.
• Especial systems for rail and transit maintenance, earth-moving equipment, mining equipment, public transport and aircraft maintenance, repair shops, industrial and automotive parts manufacturing.
2) We are the exclusive distributors of PROCECO Inc., U.S.A.